I hope you enjoy taking a peek at our family's journey!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Welcome Back!

It's time for some new things on here! Our adoption journey is still on hold but we have embarked on a new adventure that we'd like to share with you! The last year was probably the most difficult year we have ever experienced. We faced more trials and heartache than we even care to think about. One result of these trials was that we moved away from our home town with the hopes that Troy would be able to finish his schooling. After Troy and I discussed what we should do in regards to school for our children we believed that the Lord would have us to homeschool for a season. We were truly blessed in that the older two had always attended christian schools due to some very gracious people and as parents we certainly were not ready for them to jump into a public school in an area we knew nothing about. As we have become more intent on seeking God's direction in our homeschooling we have been convicted that this is something we may very well continue to do for the rest of their school years (and I most definitely wish we had started sooner). At some point I'll try to share how God has really used this in my life to teach me more about being a mother. It's such a joy to be able to spend my days with our precious children - even in the ugly moments. Who else would we want with them at those times that they need disciplining than mom or dad? It has been an adjustment for all of us and there have been tough days but overall what a blessing it has been!

It's my desire that anything written on here will be a tool that God uses to encourage, or perhaps even change, others for the sake of the gospel. I also hope this will be a way to help me to stay accountable to what God has called our family to do by somewhat regularly sharing what our children (or even mom and dad) are learning along the way! I hope to share scripture and books that encourage us in our journey in hopes that they may bless others as well. Comments that are edifying to others and pleasing to Christ will definitely be welcome!

So, welcome to our journey...

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