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Friday, February 18, 2011

Brighter Days!

It's been awhile and this will be quick while I have a minute! We are staying busy and our vehicles are continuing to not like us apparantly. We've been a one car family again this week but hoping to get it back tomorrow. This time has been a little different than last with Troy working farther away. No quick switches on his lunch break. No dropping him off and picking him up...he's across the river from us! So the kids and I have been totally stranded at home all day every day since Tuesday. I am so thankful the weather has been nice and we have certainly gone outside a lot.
I am so excited about our new schooling venture...we began Latin today! Ok, so the kids may not be as excited - Siara maybe - as I am. I think I was just thrilled that I still remember a few things! I'm planning on letting H & S go through it together and then K will start it around 2nd or 3rd grade probably. Our program has dvds so the kids have the opportunity of being taught by someone other than me for a change. :) When H realized that the teacher on the dvd teaches at a school that some kids from church go to he found it more interesting. I'm looking forward to relearning alongside the kiddos!
Our school days have certainly brightened lately - or maybe it's just the weather. Either way we are getting the work done well and finishing in time to do chores and enjoy plenty of time outside. Today we played driveway hockey. :) I am proud of how diligently the kiddos have been working lately. They are beginning to see the fruit of their hard work.
By the way, now that it's warmer we are anxiously waiting for some visits from our wonderful family!!! ;)