I hope you enjoy taking a peek at our family's journey!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Random pictures

Here are some random pics of the last few weeks at our house!

Lily has her eye on the piece of bread...
You're thinking poor doggy...right?
Well don't worry, K got caught red handed!

Working on those fine motor skills using a tweezer to pick up beads and put them in their matching cup.
A day at our little park...

Friday, June 11, 2010

It's been a long time...

Wow, I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted something on here! May was a BUSY month of finishing up school, cleaning out books, grading papers, organizing papers, working on end of the year portfolios for record keeping...did I mention it was a busy month? The kids and I were ready for summer! They have enjoyed playing outside and trips to the library the last couple weeks. We plan to do all the different summer reading programs we can find! One in particular they get to do over and over. Every week they read for at least 15 minutes for 5 days out of the week and turn in their bookmark they get a $3 giftcard to use at this particular used bookstore. This is quite easy since I require them to have 30 minutes of quiet reading time each day!

It helps to have a little structure to our day so they have certain things to do each day. I found a bible study on cheerfulness that H & S do and K listens to the bible on cd. I also bought them each an inexpensive workbook at the bookstore for them to spend 30 minutes on. The older two are working on math skills and little guy is working on handwriting. When they finish their book they get to have an ice cream cone. That's a big deal around here! They also have their daily chores. Even with all that we have still have a few boredom moments set in...me included.

I'm looking forward to helping at VBS in a week so that will give us something do. We are super excited about the fact that we will be heading to TN at the end of that week!!! Troy starts a new job on the 28th and he has a couple days off the weekend before so he'll go with us for the first couple days. The plan is to stay for a couple weeks and get our fill of family and friends! It will be such a wonderful break for the kids! They miss their friends and still talk about them all the time.

In the next couple days I will post some random photos of things we have done recently.