I hope you enjoy taking a peek at our family's journey!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Journey Begins!

We have submitted our pre-application to adopt internationally! What an exciting time it is for us! Adoption has been on our hearts for several years and today the journey begins. There is a mixture of emotions. I guess right now it is like waiting for the official report from a doctor to confirm you are indeed pregnant! We are ready and we have filled out the first of many papers and now we are waiting for the word to proceed with an official application and begin gathering all the required documents. It will be a long, tedious process and we are trusting the Lord to take us every step of the way.

The kids are excited for the most part. We want this journey to be a ministry for our entire family so we want our kids to be involved as much as possible. There will be so much to be learned about God's grace as we watch His sovereign hand guide us through the process. Our family's prayer at this point is for the birthmother of the baby since most likely this child has not even been conceived yet. We are praying for the health of the mother and that she be protected during this time.

And so we will wait the expected two weeks to hear back from the agency about how to proceed. Prov.3:5-6